Where we write about tiny humans’ madness, messes, and mayhem...
Where to Listen and Watch Aaron on the Focus on the Family Broadcast
There are a number of different ways to take in the Focus on the Family broadcast today. But before we get to all those ways you have an important decision to make, do you want to watch the episode, or just listen?
Donuts with Dad: 3yo Slugger Edition
This week I got to participate in the preschool’s Donuts with Dad breakfast with the three-year-old Slugger. I’ve been going to these things for a few years now, and they are always a lot of fun. The Slugger was excited, I was excited, and there were donuts. Relally, what wasn’t to like.
Happy Birthday Lego, Thanks for All the Pain.
Today, is the sixty-third anniversary of the patents of one of the greatest toys in history. Coincidentally, it is also one of the most profanity-inducing toys ever to hit the market.
A Sharp Life Rewind: If my daughter ran the G20 summit
I can picture it now, a room full of important officials, and our almost twenty-three-month-old Demolitions Expert waiting for the meeting to start. The meeting begins and suddenly she starts shouting, “SNACK! SNACK! SNACK!” At first the leaders of these other countries will try to ignore her, but soon enough they will realize that either somebody gets her some crackers, or they find out where the Demolitions Expert nickname comes from.
Important questions about life and PB&J
The end of school this year meant that our six-year-old Zoologist was officially done with kindergarten. I have fond memories of kindergarten, after all it was three of the best years of my life, so I thought that I would ask him some questions about the experience. Things are a little different now.
Introducing the Sharpnadoes
The Sharpnadoes are the four Sharp progenies. These four small humans have brought much joy and many sleepless nights to our lives.