Where we write about tiny humans’ madness, messes, and mayhem...
The Owl Eyes in World War Two
I feel like questions kids ask could be a regular column topic for me, like maybe even a monthly feature where I talk about the questions my kids ask and how pathetically bad I am at answering them most of the time. Over the course of the average day, numerous questions are directed my way, which I answer with varying degrees of success.
I Wanna Talk to the Manager
Raising a toddler can make a dad feel a lot like a car salesman, particularly at mealtime.
Where to Listen and Watch Aaron on the Focus on the Family Broadcast
There are a number of different ways to take in the Focus on the Family broadcast today. But before we get to all those ways you have an important decision to make, do you want to watch the episode, or just listen?
The Pandemic Parenting Degree of Difficulty Scale
Parenting is the baseline. Pre-pandemic we had 4 kids, 3 of which homeschooled, 2 full-time jobs. We also write on the side (latest book release You Got This, Dad), the Wonder Woman also tutors a class for our Classical Conversations campus, and we also have a few other things going on. In short, things were a little crazy before this.
That was before…
Wingfeather Saga Book 2 - Dad & Zoologist Review
Aaron and the nine-year-old Zoologist are back to talk more about the Wingfeather Saga by Andrew Peterson, this time it’s book 2, North! Or Be Eaten.
Donuts with Dad: 3yo Slugger Edition
This week I got to participate in the preschool’s Donuts with Dad breakfast with the three-year-old Slugger. I’ve been going to these things for a few years now, and they are always a lot of fun. The Slugger was excited, I was excited, and there were donuts. Relally, what wasn’t to like.
Happy Birthday Lego, Thanks for All the Pain.
Today, is the sixty-third anniversary of the patents of one of the greatest toys in history. Coincidentally, it is also one of the most profanity-inducing toys ever to hit the market.
Wingfeather Saga Book 1 - Dad & ZooLogist Review
Join Aaron and the oldest Sharpnado, the nine-year-old Zoologist as they discuss On the Edge of the Dark Sea of Darkness, the first book in the Wingfeather Saga by Andrew Peterson.
One Dad's Request to Children's Book Publishers
Can I make one small request? As a father, and an author, who loves to buy his kids books, I am asking you to please stop publishing books with buttons that require batteries. Or at the very least all get together on what size battery you are going to use.
The Minivan Life and Feeling Your Age
“Dad, when you were born did they even have playgrounds?”
Patterns, Toddlers, & Jesus
This past Sunday our family read Genesis 20 where Abraham, for the second time, lied about Sarah being his wife out of fear for his own life. Aside from Abraham’s lack of chivalry one of the the things I wanted to talk about with our family was patterns.
Don't Bee Afraid
Her hatred of bees is so pronounced that she also intensely dislikes flies as well, on the off chance that they are bees in disguise, or perhaps are in league with bees in some way.
Surviving the Paci War
To be clear, every child and every parent handles the pacifier differently. Some kids don’t like them and some kids won’t turn loose of them without an incident bordering on a physical confrontation.
Advice for February You - Dad Panel
I assembled a panel of dads to answer this specific question, “If you could go back in time before we were all thrown into the pandemic/quarantine/shelter-in-place lifestyle, what is one piece of fatherly advice that you would give yourself about being a dad in the era of COVID?”
Do's & Don'ts of Taking Small Children to a Restaurant
All public appearances with children are risky, but eating in public, that is the Russian roulette of parenting.