Introducing the Sharpnadoes


Parenting is a big part of who we are and what we do. It is also a big part of our writing.

Over the last several years we’ve attempted to preserve some anonymity and privacy for our kids, even when their escapades are often the topics of our writing.

One of the ways that we have done this is by referring to the kids primarily online through their respective nicknames. Another way is by minimizing the number of pictures that we post of them, particularly those of their faces. That isn’t to say we never post their pictures, but that we have made a concerted effort to minimize those times.

Another way we are going to be doing this going forward is to use the wonderful caricatures of the kids drawn for us by our good friend Katie Babb. Katie is a fantastic artist and the Fashionista’s preschool teacher, so she seemed like a great person to bring this idea to fruition.

The pictures she drew will be appearing in multiple places online and if you’ve ever met the Sharpnadoes they fit them to a tee. If you’ve never met the Sharpnadoes this blog post will serve as your introduction.

The Zoologist (firstborn small human; lover of all things animal). The Zoologist, like all firstborns, believes it falls to him to make the rules, most of which benefit him. As the firstborn, he has been on the receiving end of more of his father’s parenting missteps than the other children (no doubt this will come up in counseling one day). For as long as anyone can remember, he has loved animals and has consistently stated that his life goal is to be an animal expert.

The Ballerina (second-born small human; lover of all things beautiful). The Ballerina was the first baby girl in our family, and she has brought a style all her own. She loves to dance, accessorize, and dress up as a princess. The Ballerina lives to perform. From her dance recitals to her killer chicken impersonation, she lights up when there is a chance to show off in front of a group. She also is the little mother of the other three Sharp kids. Sometimes this means she is compassionate, and sometimes it just means she wants to boss everyone around.

The Fashionista (third-born small human; lover of expressing her independence, primarily by making her own fashion choices). The Fashionista was easily the toughest baby of the Sharp bunch. For a while, I still thought the Zoologist was the toughest, but by the time we got to six months, I had to concede that the Fashionista had him beat. Even at a young age, the Fashionista knew what she wanted.and God help you if you don’t give it to her.

The Slugger (fourth-born small human; lover of anything that can be kicked, bounced, or thrown). The Slugger’s birth brought balance to the Sharp family force. He also brought a love of life and adventure. I’ve heard that as you go farther down the birth order, children get less risk averse. The Slugger currently leads all Sharpnadoes in ER visits. I guess it is all part of being the youngest of four children.


I'm the Worst


Crawling Across the Summer Finish Line