
Where we write about tiny humans’ madness, messes, and mayhem...

Aaron Sharp Aaron Sharp

The Pandemic Parenting Degree of Difficulty Scale

Parenting is the baseline. Pre-pandemic we had 4 kids, 3 of which homeschooled, 2 full-time jobs. We also write on the side (latest book release You Got This, Dad), the Wonder Woman also tutors a class for our Classical Conversations campus, and we also have a few other things going on. In short, things were a little crazy before this.

That was before…

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Aaron Sharp Aaron Sharp

A Sharp Life Rewind: If my daughter ran the G20 summit

I can picture it now, a room full of important officials, and our almost twenty-three-month-old Demolitions Expert waiting for the meeting to start. The meeting begins and suddenly she starts shouting, “SNACK! SNACK! SNACK!” At first the leaders of these other countries will try to ignore her, but soon enough they will realize that either somebody gets her some crackers, or they find out where the Demolitions Expert nickname comes from.

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Aaron Sharp Aaron Sharp

Introducing the Sharpnadoes

The Sharpnadoes are the four Sharp progenies. These four small humans have brought much joy and many sleepless nights to our lives.

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Aaron Sharp Aaron Sharp

Detective Dad and the Case of the Thermostat Tomfoolery

I calmly asked the young Zoologist if he had been messing with the thermostat. I played it cool, like the good cop in every episode of Dragnet. He said that he had. I asked him why. He said, “Because I was cold, and I wanted it to get warmer.” Before reading him his rights I thought it wise to impart two pieces of advice to him. First, don’t ever touch the thermostat again. Second, you didn’t make it warmer, you turned our house into a polar bear habitat.

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