Pinatas and Time Outs


This afternoon the Sharp family went to a birthday party for one of the six-year-old Zoologist’s first-grade classmates.

After we were at the party for about fifteen minutes the Zoologist said he had to go potty, and it wasn't the kind that is easily taken care of in the woods. And since there were no public restrooms at the park he and I loaded up in the van to drive to the nearest gas station. Thankfully there was a gas station close by because every 30 seconds he said, "Do you think we are going to miss the Pinata? I don't want to miss the Pinata."

Despite exposure to Ebola and the Bubonic Plague in the gas station restroom we made it back to the party quickly. Before the Pinata.

I also wrote the following during the party.

Right now 2/3 of the family is at the party. I am currently sitting in the van with the four-year-old Ballerina who got a ten-minute penalty for a bad attitude. After arriving in time out the Ballerina tried to lay all the blame on Sandy and Sue, which wouldn’t have gotten her anywhere, even if Sandy and Sue weren’t stuffed animals.

The whole day has been like this. I told her time out meant no talking, so this has been the most peaceful 10 minutes I’ve had all day. 


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