Things Kindergartners Say - Volume 2 (With a special guest appearance by the Ballerina)


At this point in my blogging life I feel pretty sure that a collection of quotes by the five-year-old zoologist will become a regular blog occurrence. Our little zoologist just has such a way of looking at the world and articulating his thoughts that we are constantly jotting down things that he says. The odds of these things becoming a book on their own are pretty high at this point.

Without further delay here is the second edition of Things Kindergarteners Say, with a special guest appearance by the three-year-old ballerina.

“I don’t like, know time.”

-One day a while back when our family was in the throes of the black plague, or whatever virus we all battled, and I had to take his mom to the doctor. When we got home I asked Micah how long the one-year-old demolitions expert napped. This was his response.

“You don’t have to ask.”

-This is what he says if you ask him if he would like a peanut butter and jelly sandwich.

“Me and scary movies, not so much”

-The list of movies that he found scary includes, but is not limited to: The Great Mouse Detective, Zootopia, The Apple Dumpling Gang, and Despicable Me. The kid just doesn’t really do villains, even if they are Gru or Don Knotts.

“Neither. Both would make me nervous.”

-On the way to school I like to ask the zoologist and the ballerina questions just to see their answers and because it lets me see how their minds work. This quote was in response to the question, “Would you rather go to the moon, or the bottom of the ocean?” It is also possible that he has been spending a little too much time around his Opa who claims a great number of things "make him nervous."

The other day, after we had dropped off the zoologist, I asked the ballerina, “What’s your favorite fruit?” My inquiry led to this exchange:

Ballerina: Apple juice.
Me: That’s a juice. What is your favorite fruit to eat?
Ballerina: Corn on the cob.
Me: I give up.


A Minor League Baseball Game with the Kids: A Diary


Waiting, and Waiting, and Waiting (A Bakers Dozen)