What Aaron Is Reading and Listening To This Week - May 14, 2022

Every week (hopefully, fingers crossed) I post what I’m reading, listening to, and occasionally even watching. If something makes the list here I’m not endorsing it per se, just saying that I found it interesting and worthwhile for some reason. That reason might be because it presents a different point of view, or maybe I agree totally. If you read or listen to something because it is on this list, and you decide you don’t like or agree with it, I’m just going to assume that you are mature enough adult to say, “I didn’t like that,” and move on with your life.

Now for this week’s list:


There is No “Middle Way” in Dobbs by Robert P. George
As a general rule of Dr. George writes it, it is worth reading. This, his excellent pro-life take on much of the recent legal goings on with regard to abortion, is no exception.

The Nazis Invented Marriage Counseling, And Other Surprising Relationship Research by David Epstein and Eric Barker
David Epstein’s book, Range, was quite interesting, and if this Q&A is any indication, it sounds like Eric Barker’s book will have some intriguing insights as well.

Americans Have Fewer Friends than Before
There’s definitely something to this research, and the impact this is having on our culture.

The Worst Possible Timing for an Infrastructure-Spending Spree
This hadn’t even occured to me, but this is a really bad time to do what we are about to do.

Researchers Pinpoint Reason Infants Die From SIDS
This is absolutely fantastic news. Such a nervewracking thing for parents, particularly those who had a baby who stopped breathing in the NICU (Looking at you, just turned nine-years-old Cowgirl!).

Taming the Smartphone 'Beast' in Marriage
The exact details here may not work for every couple, but there are some good things to consider.


The School of War Podcast: Fred Kagan on Ukraine II
I really enjoy the School of War, and both of Kagan’s episodes on Ukraine have been incredibly informative and enlightening.

Our Hope Podcast: Messianic Jews in World War 2
I’ve become very interested in this topic because there just isn’t much out there about it. The fate of Jewish Christians in the Holocaust is something we just don’t hear or see much about.

Against the Rules with Michael Lewis: Six Levels Down
Lewis, like Malcolm Gladwell, always gives you something to think about, even if you end up disagreeing. This is the first episode of his last season on experts and the role they play.

The Rest Is History: History’s Biggest Questions with Dan Carlin Part 1 & Part 2
Dan Carlin’s podcasts are marathons, and consequently they always end up being too long for me to consume, but these two episodes were brilliant fun for the history nerd.


Manhunt: The 12 Day Chase for Lincoln’s Killer by James L. Swanson
The first time I read this book we were on our honeymoon and I read this while Elaina read Devil Wears Prada. Nothing explains us more as a couple than that anecdote. Romantic memories aside, this book is such a gripping read. I’ve never read anything that Swanson wrote that wasn’t good, and this is my favorite.


What Aaron Is Reading and Listening To This Week - May 6, 2022